
Facebook Joins European Climate Pact and Pledges Action to Build a Greener Europe

Today, Facebook joined the EU Climate Pact and outlined four pledges for how we’ll help people take action against climate change and build a greener Europe.

The European Commission-run Climate Pact was created to encourage Europeans to learn about climate change and develop, implement, and scale solutions. In signing the Climate Pact, we’re committing to four ways we’ll take action against climate change.

  1. We’ll support Facebook’s operations in Europe and globally with 100% renewable energy and achieve net zero emissions for our global value chain in 2030.
  2. We’ll amplify authoritative climate science information in Europe through the Climate Science Information Center, which provides facts from climate researchers that correct common misconceptions about global warming and its impact. We’ll also continue to support research on climate change through our Data for Good program, such as the new Climate Change Opinion Survey
  3. We’ll support Europeans through investments in education and sustainability innovation through skills programmes in communities surrounding our data centers.
  4. We’ll share learnings and tactics to support other businesses in Europe with their transition to net zero emissions. This will include working with RE-Source, a European corporate platform for renewable energy procurement, in its effort to reduce the barriers to cost competitive renewable energy and the Green Boost Programme.  

Learn more about how we’re helping fight climate change and empowering people to get informed and take action.