Election Integrity


An Update on the Georgia Runoff Elections

We’re deploying the teams and technology we used in the general elections to fight voter suppression, misinformation and interference in the Georgia runoff elections.

Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

Today we removed three separate networks for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior – two targeted the US, among other countries, and one originated in and targeted audiences in Myanmar.

Supporting Elections Across Africa

An update on our ongoing work to reduce misinformation, prevent election interference, support civic engagement and increase transparency in political advertising.

The Next Web Conversation With Nick Clegg

Vice President of Global Affairs and Communications Nick Clegg spoke with Richard Waters of the Financial Times, as part of The Next Web conference.

Preparing for Election Day

Sharing some of the ways we’ll be working to protect the integrity of this election over these next critical weeks and making sure people have the latest authoritative information about the results.

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