
Unlocking Potential: Our 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report


  • Today we’re releasing our second annual Responsible Business Practices Report, highlighting our efforts to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts of our business on society.
  • Built around the theme of ‘Unlocking Potential,’ the report compiles key metrics and insights on our societal impact, including milestones, policies and programs that underpin our responsible business strategy.  
  • Our Responsible Business Practices Report is supplemented by in-depth reports on key areas such as human rights, sustainability and transparency, to provide a detailed overview of our business practices and progress.

Today marks the launch of Meta’s second annual Responsible Business Practices Report, offering a detailed look at our progress in addressing social and environmental priorities, as well as our efforts to create sustainable value for our customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

We organize our responsible business approach around key pillars that enable us to have a sustainable impact: operating transparently and sustainably, building responsibly and empowering our people and partners. Our 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report, using 2023 data, details our progress in these pillars.

This year’s report was prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and informed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Internet and Media Services Industry Standards, the United Nations Global Compact and the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Unlocking Potential for Good

Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse represent our long-term bets on the future. In 2023, these technological pathways began to intersect in the form of products, apps and services that help bring the metaverse to life. This year’s report highlights our efforts to develop these and other technologies responsibly, openly and transparently with a focus on open source innovation.

In 2023, we made strides toward our goal of building general intelligence that’s accessible to all by releasing Llama, our collection of open source LLMs. We believe access to cutting-edge AI can unlock potential for individuals around the world, and are proud to report that our models have been downloaded more than 170 million times since release.

Report Highlights 

The theme of this year’s report is unlocking potential. The report provides insights centered on our goal of creating positive change through open and transparent operations, app development and employee and partner relationships. 

Here are some highlights:

Further Reporting

Our Responsible Business Practices Report is supplemented by in-depth reports on key areas such as human rights, sustainability and transparency, to provide a detailed overview of our business practices and progress.

Today, we’re launching our third annual Human Rights Report, which reflects our commitment  to understanding, preventing and mitigating our highest priority human rights risks. In August, we published our annual Sustainability Report, which outlines the progress we’ve made toward our net zero, climate, water, energy and supply chain goals. And we regularly publish transparency reports to give our community visibility into how we enforce our policies, respond to data requests and protect intellectual property, while monitoring dynamics that limit access to Meta technologies.

You can read the full Responsible Business Practices Report to learn more about responsible business practices at Meta.