
Protecting Our Community in Brazil

By Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cybersecurity Policy

Facebook gives millions of people in Brazil a voice online, and we want to make sure their conversations happen in an authentic and safe environment. That’s why we require that people use their real identities on Facebook.

As part of our ongoing efforts to prevent abuse — and after a rigorous investigation — we recently took down a network of 196 Pages and 87 accounts in Brazil that violated our authenticity policies. These were part of a coordinated network that hid behind fake Facebook accounts and misled people to sow division and spread misinformation. The accounts and Pages we took down were in direct violation of our policies. We’re always monitoring for inauthentic accounts, as well as other types of abuse, and will remove any account or Page that breaks our rules.

We don’t want this kind of behavior on Facebook — and we’re investing heavily in both people and technology to keep bad content off our services. We now have about 15,000 people working on security and content review across the world, and we’ll expand those teams to more than 20,000 by the end of this year. We use reports from our community and technology like machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect bad behavior and take action more quickly.