
Facebook IQ et Accenture publient une étude pour mieux comprendre le comportement des consommateurs français en matière de voyages

To help marketers understand today’s travelers and meet their needs, Facebook IQ and Accenture are publishing a new study on the behavior of French consumers when it comes to travel.

Among the key elements of the study:

1 / A real need for simplification

In a world where the options are endless, consumers expect travel brands to help them organize and facilitate their tourism experience:

  • 54% of French travelers say they are more likely to stay loyal to a travel brand that has an easy-to-use website or mobile app, and among them 42% want to be able to do all of their research and reservations of travel on a mobile device.

  • 49% of travelers say they would like to be able to move more easily from one site and from one application to another, to avoid having to repeat their trip planning every time.

2 / The interest for brands to take into account the more pragmatic factors that are at stake for travelers

Quality, consistency and convenience are top concerns for consumers when staying with a particular travel company:

  • The 3 main reasons cited by French respondents to justify their loyalty to a tour operator are quality, uniformity and price.

  • 51% of travelers who have switched brands in the past year have done so because of the price, and 48% of consumers are loyal to one set of travel brands rather than one.

3 / The need to offer the most personalized shopping experience possible

Consumers appreciate personalized services that help them make the right travel decisions for their unique needs:

  • 26% of travelers say they expect to spend more on travel in the next year than this year. Among them, 58% say that having a unique experience is an important factor in planning their vacation.

  • 55% of travelers say that recommendations from family and friends are important to them when choosing a vacation: consumers are therefore better able to choose brands mentioned by their community.

To find out more, please find the full study here .

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