Month: August 2018


Update on Myanmar

An update on the investments Facebook is making in Myanmar, and the results they have started to yield.

The Line Between Hate and Debate

Facebook’s Hard Questions, a series that explores the most challenging issues Facebook confronts, is hosting a discussion about the line between hate and debate, featuring a diverse range of views.

People Can Now Find Mentors and Mentees in Groups

People use Facebook Groups to build and foster supportive communities around topics that matter to them. Today we’re bringing Mentorship to groups to make it easier for people who want help achieving their goals to connect with others in their community who have the experience or expertise to help.

Where Do We Draw the Line on Free Expression?

Whether it’s a peaceful protest in the streets, an op-ed in a newspaper or a post on social media, free expression is key to a thriving society.

Giving Local Pittsburgh Businesses a Boost

As part of our pledge to train 1 million small business owners and people across the country by 2020, we’ll be hosting Facebook Community Boost in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to give local small businesses and community organizations a boost!

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