Year: 2015


A Better Understanding of “Hide”

We made a small update to News Feed so that, for these people only, we don’t take “hide” into account as strongly as before.

Enhancing Security with a Quick Checkup

Starting today, you can try a new tool called Security Checkup that makes it easier to find and use the security controls for your account.

Managing Unconscious Bias

At Facebook, we’ve worked with leading researchers to develop a training course that helps people recognize how bias can affect them, and gives them tools to interrupt and correct for bias when they see it in the workplace.

One Year In: Free Basic Services

We’re making it easier for mobile operators to turn on in new countries, improving the process to offer free basic services to the unconnected.

Updated Controls for News Feed

Today we are announcing even better tools for you to actively shape and improve the News Feed experience, and give you more control.

Highlights from Q&A with Mark

On June 30, Mark Zuckerberg held an hour-long live Q&A on Facebook and answered questions from people around the world, including Stephen Hawking, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Arianna Huffington.

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