Month: November 2014


Introducing FB Techwire

Today we’re introducing FB Techwire, a resource for journalists to discover original content including breaking news, first-person analysis, photos and videos posted to Facebook by technology influencers and organizations.

Introducing Say Thanks

Create personalized video cards for your friends on Facebook.

Veterans on Facebook

It’s Veterans Day in the US, and the Facebook data team took a look at the connections made by the military community on Facebook.
Meta App Comes to Kenya

Facebook and Airtel Kenya announced the availability of Facebook’s app in Kenya later this week, providing Airtel subscribers with free access to basic internet services.

Messenger Reaches 500 Million

Today more than 500 million people are using Messenger each month and we’re more committed than ever to make it the best possible messaging experience.

To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookie Policy